Erin Seo
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Brand Marketing Solutions
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About Me

How would you describe your current role and the biggest challenges you face?

Our team, Global Business Marketing, markets TikTok and our ad solutions to brands and advertisers. My role specifically is to build narratives and programs solving for very specific challenges or opportunities we face as an organization. Biggest challenge I face: The impact we see from the work that we do is often not immediate and hard to measure.

What is a common misconception about the work you do?

Externally, just looking at my title you would think I execute marketing plans for TikTok users. Internally, teams confuse me for research and insights.

How did you get started in your marketing career?

I studied in marketing & advertising and before that in technical art. So naturally I thought I would be a creative/designer. I tried my hand at applying for jobs landing one at a media agency, only to realise shortly after media and creative agencies were NOT THE SAME.

Describe the most impactful marketing campaign/project you've personally worked on.

I was the agency lead to launch a CSR program #Girlsunstoppable for Dove - a campaign to empower girls in reaching their full potential. We strategized and executed seamlessly a campaign rallied by a cross-agency team (including PR, digital, media, and trade), and won several awards - one namely for Cause Β + Effect. We touched over 5,000 girls with our workshops.

What is one marketing trend or change you're not convinced will work for SEA tech brands?

What ever happened to the metaverse?

What is one marketing trend or change that you hope to see more of at SEA tech brands? And, why?

Content and authenticity. Consumers are able to discern between advertisements and content that ads value to their lives. It's important we nurture the latter.

What is your favourite marketing resource that you would recommend to this community? And, why?

Read more fiction - I draw most of my inspiration, storytelling abilities through books.

Lastly, where are you based, and where would you take friends visiting your city for the first time?

I'm based in Singapore at the moment, born in Canada. In SG - super trees, obvi. In CA - a hike!

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