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Colearner Catch-ups: Daniel Rouquette, Singapore Community

February 22, 2019

Daniel Roquette, a Singapore colearner shares what it means to "stand on the shoulders of giants"

Tell us about yourself

I am Daniel Rouquette. I am a recovering travel addict getting more conscious about the impact of tourism. Things I love include: debating with friends, running, reading heavy books (on my e-reader), and improv theatre! Originally from France, I have been living in Singapore for close to 8 years, and I have no reason to leave this beautiful country. I spend most of my days working at Villa Finder which I co-founded in 2012 ( back then): we curate the best villas in Asia, and yes, I get to test some of them for “work”.

What motivates you to be a lifelong learner?

We stand on the shoulders of giants. It took me a while to understand the real meaning of this idiom: there is so much we can learn from others (alive or dead), and there is no point re-inventing the wheel, most of the time at least.

I learnt to scratch an itch to understand the world and myself better. Hopefully, that gets me to become a better person for people around me.

What inspires you creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

I am inspired and motivated by others, their experiences, aspirations and achievements. This is why I try to talk to as many people as an introvert can. I also read and listen to loads of podcasts.

I have learned from improv (and entrepreneurship) that inspiration is not something we should wait for before starting anything. Starting and doing is just as important, as long as you have the right mindset and values.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I am very happy with my profession as it forces me to question myself and learn on a regular basis. I might start a new entrepreneurial journey in the future though.

What’s a new thing that you learnt this week? It could be a blogpost, a book, an idea, podcast or anything! Do share a link, if there is one.

Top 5:

What's the next thing you want to learn more about?

Surprise me!


👩🏼‍🚀 Who we are

NewCampus is a lifelong learning school for people excited by change. We’re a gym membership for learning experiences, with daily classes hosted at a network of accessible colearning spaces. Members learn together, from global entrepreneurs and experts, about emerging business, technology and cultural trends, and consistently building the skills they need to thrive in the changing world.

We are a team of 10 passionate individuals from Australia, the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, China, India and the Philippines.

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